You carefully weigh every word, because you know that confessions blurted out are often regretted, and can never be taken back. But just because you're restrained, doesn't mean that you're uptight. You'd just rather reveal yourself when the moment is right, because timing is everything, and giving everything away, right away, seems tacky. Which is why you'd never be caught dead flashing a thong in a pair of below-the-equator jeans. Nope, you much rather slay them with devastating elegance, followed with a slam-dunk of inspired surprises.
clever copy for a shopping site (and to sell a handbag, of all things): here's mighty flirt.*
Now, instead of stopping losing my time like this, I decided to work on a theory explaining what might be behind a seemingly obsessive interest in clothing and accessories. more links, please. (to be continued)
* long dead online boutique (2013 note)
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